Reconstruction of the central beach in Pattaya continues

If you plan to relax in Pattaya in the late spring or summer of 2018, then for you can be useful information about the ongoing reconstruction of the northern part of the Central beach. In general, the renovation of this beach site was started about a year and a half ago, but was later suspended for 15 months due to a discrepancy in the quality of sand. It was found that the sand from the island of Koh Rang has a darker color than the classic sand on the beach in Pattaya. However, after a series of tests, the consultants of Chulalongkorn University proved that the sand recommended by them will eventually correspond to the usual color. This is due to the fact that the bright Thai sun very quickly decolorizes the imported yellow sand from the neighboring island.

The new sand is already placed on a 100-meter stretch in the northern part of the Central beach in Pattaya and its color really quickly became bright under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, contractors promise to complete the renovation of the beach for three months – until the end of August 2018. Currently, sand from the island of Koh Rang Qian (it is located about 10 km west of Ko Lan) is delivered to the coast of the resort by special barges and is used as needed. By the way, you can see the central beach in Pattaya in real time with the help of one of the live webcams in Pattaya..

The width of the Сentral beach in Pattaya is constantly shrinking

The main reason why local authorities began to renovate the Central Beach is its gradual washing out by sea waves. To illustrate this process more clearly, it is enough to mention a few figures. In the middle of the last century, when Pattaya was not yet a popular resort, the width of the central beach of Pattaya was more than 35 meters. And in our days in many places the width of this same beach does not exceed 5 meters. If the authorities refused to reconstruct, then in about five years the beach would completely disappear.

In addition to directly placing new sand, special geotextile nets will be installed in the water area of ​​the beach, which will hold sand. If everything that has been planned will be implemented and the funding will be received in full, the central beach of Pattaya in the northern part will be increased to 35 meters in width. It is also planned to pour a 15-meter strip of sand along the beach below the water level. With positive experience, it is planned that a similar reconstruction in the future will be carried out in other parts of the beach in central Pattaya.

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