Wongamat beach in Pattaya: big review

Wongamat beach in Pattaya - big review

Wongamat Beach in Pattaya (also Wong Amat beach) located in the northern part of the city, considered one of the best beaches in the urban area of the resort. And thanks to the fact that to get to it is not too convenient (due to lack of nearby routes tuk-tuks (songthaew), this beach is usually chosen as a place of quiet rest especially those people who live near it. Therefore you can meet guests of respectable hotels (which located nearby this beach) and residents of expensive multi-story condominiums, which were built near the beach in Wong Amat Pattaya in recent years. However, the beach is pretty good and every traveler in Pattaya can easy visit Wongamat beach for free. So in this article I will make it a true review and tell you about easiest way to reach it from different areas of Pattaya.


How to get to the Wongamat beach in Pattaya

As already mentioned above, Wong Amat beach is located in the northern part of the city, in an area of Pattaya Naklua. Accordingly, in order to get to the beach of this, you need to initially get to the this district. Option with a classic car taxi in Pattaya, where you can reach them at any point of the city directly to the desired beach, I will not even considered, because there everything is clear: negotiate, haggle, come up on the beach itself and pay the agreed amount. If you need more options for the budget, it is necessary to use public transport, as well as motorcycle taxi, or at all to do part of the way on foot.

Wongamat Beach in Pattaya on the map - how to reach

Wongamat Beach in Pattaya on the map – how to reach

To avoid repetition, I will not describe in detail the routes of public transport, which are detailed in the article “Public transport in Pattaya: routes of songthaew and fares.” Here I note only that fare which is needed to get to the sculpture “Dolphins”, located at the intersection of Second Road with North Pattaya road and with Naklua street, will be from 10 to 30 baht. Ie direct drive or 1-2 transfers on the way to the end points of the routes accordingly. Point with “dolphins” you can see on the map of songthaew routes, which is also available in the article about the public transport of the resort (link above). If we talk about the color codes of routes, it will be the intersection of the “green”, “burgundy” and “yellow” routes.

Pattaya Naklua - typical lane in district

Pattaya Naklua – typical lane in district

When you’re next to the “Dolphins”, you can drive a few hundred yards of the public songthaew (tuk-tuk) to the street Pattaya Naklua, but no special need in this, so I prefer to save money and do all the way to the beach on foot (if not too hot weather and there is a good mood)/ Also near “dolphins”  you can  use one of  motorbike taxi  and go to Wongamat beach in just a few minutes. The second option is easier and cost you 30-40 baht per person one way. Motorbike taxi better to look not just at the crossroads with dolphins, but little bit passing on the street Naklua to the north, at the crossroads with the alleys, which are directed towards the sea.

High-rise buildings near Wong Amat Beach - an excellent landmark!

High-rise buildings near Wong Amat Beach – an excellent landmark!

A little more complicated, but sometimes more interesting and healthy way to get to the beach of Wong Amat  from “Dolphins” – walking tour. When you will going along the street with name Pattaya Naklua to the north, you will notice that the alleys (Soi) go towards the sea. True, you must know that some of them dead-end and end at the gates of reservation, so to save time, it is better to fold the left or on Soi 18,  which is the second name of Soi Wongamat, and that takes you directly to the eponymous beach (in its southern part), or Soi 16/2, which is located just to the north. If you choose the second option, you’ll have to walk around a large and beautiful territory of  Centara Grand Mirage Hotel. 

View from the sea to the building of the hotel Centara Grand Mirage near Wongamat beach.

View from the sea to the building of the hotel Centara Grand Mirage near Wongamat beach.

The second way longer, but at least once you can walk and, at the same time to admire the beautiful and a lush tropical greenery territory of the hotel Centara and some other 5-stars hotels in Pattaya, if is no money (or desire) to stay in those hotels while relaxing in Pattaya . Walking from “dolphins” to Wongamat beach in Pattaya takes about 15 minutes. As a reference point other than the beach stands a complex of high-rise buildings of the district (pictured above). You have to remember that usually Soi 18 is the fifth lane from the “Dolphins” on most tourist maps Pattaya. But in reality, on many cards often are not marked several small lanes, so Soi 18, this will be (if I am not mistaken in the calculation) Only 7 left turn, and Soi 16/2 further more..

Review of Wongamat beach in Pattaya

Wongamat beach in Pattaya - nothern part

Wongamat beach in Pattaya – nothern part

On my photos and videos from Wong Amat Beach, that placed in this review,  you will notice that nature is not very bright, and the color of the water is not too pleasing to the eye. This is explained primarily by the fact that i made video and photos in the afternoon, a few hours before sunset. The sky was covered with mist, and an hour after a small rain. In bright sunny weather, the beach is a bit more attractive and picturesque. By the way, to see the Wongamat beach online at any time, you can use one of the webcams Pattaya online, that is available on a separate page. Better views, of course, in the daytime, although the camera and works around the clock.

Wongamat beach in Pattaya - view to nothern part

Wongamat beach in Pattaya – view to nothern part

On Wong Amat Beach in Pattaya there are a sufficient number of sun beds and umbrellas, although there are some areas where they are intended for the guests nearby hotels. Typically, these beds, “not for everyone” higher quality (bit newer and more comfortable) than conventional plastic sunbeds, which can be found at most resorts in the country. The cost of conventional lounges on the first line from the water is 100 baht per day. Discount does not provide for a shorter time. Unfortunately, i did not specify the value of a little further away from the sea, sun beds, as their own do not like to use it. But in view of the neighborhood luxury hotels and the fact that these series there are so few, I doubt that you can find the beds at a lower price. If someone know specific information about this issue – please write in the comments.

View of the northern part of the beach Wongamat Pattaya from the sea

View of the northern part of the beach Wongamat Pattaya from the sea

All Wong Amat beach is divided into areas for swimming (fenced around the perimeter of buoys) and an area for mooring speedboats, which deliver guests of luxury hotels to the beaches of Koh Lan  island. Amount of speed boats little bit and they infrequently approach to the beach, therefore I swam there, and there. Little difference was observed in the water quality. In areas for boats are also present aquabikes (jet skis), which can be rented. In some places it is possible to ride on a banana boat. Log into the water pleasant, the beach is dominated by yellowish sand, because of which the color of the water is not as beautiful as the beaches on the island with white coral sand. As you can see in the photo and video, the water at the average level of transparency for Pattaya, possibly due to the fact that recently passed the rain because before this parameter on the beach Wongamat pleased me more.


Periodically by sunbeds are hawkers food (fruit, fish, shrimp, corn, etc.) and the sellers of some things, which can come in handy for tourists (sunglasses, coconut oil and aloe gel, scarves, electronic cigarettes, etc.). Generally, the beach is quiet and peaceful, because there is no nearby roads with constant traffic. The tranquility broken only by the already mentioned speedboats and jet skis, but sometimes they subside. Shortly before sunset beach is rapidly emptied. Workers cleaning the beach chairs and pulling ashore all of jet skis. By nightfall, the beach (also how others beaches of Pattaya, with the exception of central beach), it becomes almost lifeless. In general, for a city beach of Pattaya,  Wongamat beach quite good, and some discomfort associated with lack of direct songthaew routes, offset by peaceful and quiet environment, a small number of tourists and the relative cleanliness of the beach. I wish you a pleasant stay!

Updated: Added video from Wongamat Beach in Pattaya


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8 years ago

Thank you for information about Wong Amat beach! I think, i will rest there soon!