How to get from Pattaya to Koh Larn? This question relevant for almost all of travelers, who arrives to Pattaya-resort first time. They can see that the purity and transparency of water at local beaches far from ideal. Of course, in Pattaya-City you can not find Bounty-beaches. This fact is not very pleasant, but fortunately, not far from the popular resort city have a large island of Koh Larn, which is famous for crystal clear water and on which hundreds of tourists from the mainland depart daily. Moreover, this way to the island can be very inexpensive – using a special passenger ferry for this.
You can read my article The long vacation on Koh Larn island, where i describes in detail all the benefits of both short-term and long-term stay on the island. On the you can get information about all the most popular options which allows to reach to the Koh Larn island, costs, advantages and disadvantages of these some options. Information contained in the article is based on the personal experience of repeated trips to Koh Larn from Pattaya. Now more about the different modes of transport on the route Pattaya- Koh Larn – Pattaya. You can use ferry, big boat and speedboats. Originally, I planned to write just one article. but the material turned out voluminous, so for convenience I have divided it into three parts. In this part I will tell you how to get from Pattaya to Koh Larn Island by ferry. Other ways – in others articles of this website.
Where you can find ferry to Koh Larn in Pattaya
Whichever method you choose, your path will initially be based on the Bali Hai Pier, located in the southern part of resort, near the end of the famous pedestrian street – Pattaya Walking Street. (How to get to Walking Street, from different parts of Pattaya and Jomtien, see the corresponding article). After passing the arch with the name of the said street (left to MIXX disco), you need to turn right (to the sea) at the first fork, and a minute later we are on the pier at the base of the building is built with beautiful turquoise roof (see. Photo). In this building you can find ticket office, where you can buy tickets for different modes of transport to the island of Koh Larn.
This ferry is the most affordable option, and costs only 30 Baht one way. Although ferry tickets can be purchased at the ticket office, I personally do not recommend, because cashier are interested to sell you tickets to a more expensive mode from transportation and get the most commission from the transport companies. So, if before the departure of the ferry there is little time, cashier can say to you that the free places for the next ferry is not. Therefore, you will be offered to buy tickets for 150 Baht at big boat, which go to the others beaches of the island. I must say. that great boat for 150 baht – not a bad way and has many advantages. But as this article is about the ferry, I’ll write here about ferry to the island of Koh Larn.
In reality, the best choice would be to ignore these ticket office, because you can purchase a ferry ticket for 30 Baht directly near ferry which takes passengers on board and ready to sail. Just go straight for Bali Hai Pier (which can be seen via a webcam Pattaya online posted on this site) and closer to the end to see the moored boat, which is landing. Near ferry you will see several transport company employees, which sell tickets (In fact just take the money and skip the passengers on board). It should be noted that the ferries to Koh Larn usually depart on strictly to the approved schedule, but a delay of 5-15 minutes still happen. Therefore, you can catch a ferry even if the schedule he had set off. But it is better to arrive a little in advance to get the best seats (in the shade or in the sun, as you like).
In addition, in the high tourist season in the morning often organized extra ferries that do not adhere to the schedule and go to the island of Koh Larn as required. Typically, the signal for the rapid departure of the ferry are drifting with his long beeps. Usually a little further there is one more steam, which will soon also begin planting, and you can manage to get the best seats (who do not not care where to sit for 40 minutes). Depending on the strength of the wind, the waves and the particular island pier, the ferry arrives at Koh Larn after 35-50 minutes (usually 40 minutes). It should be borne in mind that to get to Koh Larn on the ferry can be on one of the two piers, which are located in different parts of the island and the distance from which the beaches somewhat different. Therefore, you should remember the information placed below:
★ Ferries to Koh Larn, which go to the Naban Pier in the same village on the east coast of the island (the closest to the Pattaya) is called in Pattaya – Koh Larn. Title ferry (more precisely, its route) on the sides can be read (including the ferry schedule placed there), but also on a large board, which is typically mounted on the roof top of the deck in front of the ferry. Near the pier Naban no beaches for swimming, so you have to get to them using one of the modes of transport, as described in the article Transport on the island of Koh Larn: Practical Tips.

Ferry from Pattaya to Koh Larn island
★ Ferry from Pattaya to Koh Larn, which is approaching the Tawaen beach (northern side of island) called Pattaya -. Tawaen. On the board of some ferries on the same way you can read Pattaya – Hard Tawaen Pier. This pier is located near three beaches that are described in the article Detailed description of all the beaches of the Koh Larn island. If you do not afraid some of the nuances these beaches, you can stay to rest directly on them. If not – at your service motorcycle taxi, songthaew (passenger pick-up) and a lot of motorbikes for rent.
Small update: Thailand – it’s Thailand. Therefore will not be superfluous to ask the person who passes the passengers on board, which is a ferry from Pattaya, even if on the sides and in front of the clearly readable final destination. Personally, I once in 2015 reached the pier Naban on the ferry, which was called Pattaya – Tawaen beach, I began to ask this point (destination) separately from ticket sellers (or rather the persons collecting money for travel) close to the ferry. True more such “substitution” was not. Tickets to return way you can also purchased at the pier before boarding. In this case, there is no alternative in the form of ticket office, as well without tickets – just a pass to board the ferry after payment again. Be sure to grab a life vest at the entrance to the ferry. This question is not only safety but also comfort: personally, I usually use a vest as a soft backrest (benches on the ferry from wood and they a few hard for seat).
Schedule of ferry Pattaya – Koh Larn – Pattaya
Below the photograph submitted ferry schedule from Pattaya to Koh Larn and back as of January 2015. Note on the right side of the table in the schedule of the ferry pier Naba, and the left – to the pier Tawaen. The number of ferries to the first of the piers more during the day. You can also note that the last ferry from the island as it sails from the pier Naban later.

Schedule of ferry Pattaya – Koh Larn – Pattaya
The ferry schedules true for January 2015, but Thais could make some changes according to the season. As a rule, the current schedule can always be seen in offices building at the entrance to the pier in Pattaya, on the stands near the site of the ferry mooring at the pier and directly on the ferries themselves. Also you can check ferry schedules in new maps of Pattaya, which can be found on this site by clicking on the link, or take for free at the resort (which is done once again painted in detail in the article above). Just remember that the card should be fresh, otherwise a ferry information may not be completely accurate.
Previously, landing on the ferries going to the pier Naban, carried out on the right side of the pier in Pattaya, and ferries to the pier Hard Tawaen – the left side of Bali Hai Pier in Pattaya. It was very convenient, but currently (January 2015) a similar distinction for some reason is not observed (ie, ferries to the desired island pier can be sent from both sides Bali Hai pier in Pattaya).
Advantages of ferry Pattaya – Koh Larn – Pattaya:
★ The most budget option. Day trip from Pattaya to Koh Larn will cost only 30 + 30 = 60 Baht (if to move around the island on foot or swim at beaches with walking distance of the pier (first of all, it concerns the pier Tawaen).
★ Ability to meet fellow travelers (cute girls or boys) during the voyage;
★ Ability to spend more time on the island (the last ferry to the mainland leaves at 18-00 (06-00 p.m.));
★ The ability to take a walk through the village. The epicenter of life on Koh Larn is located exactly in the village next to the pier Naban, there are many cafes, shops (including is the only one on the island of Seven Eleven), massage parlors, hotels and interesting Buddhist temple. For longer stays on the island ferry is the best option due to the mainland.

Ferries to Koh Larn near bali hai Pier in Pattaya
Disadvantages of ferry Pattaya – Koh Larn – Pattaya:
★ If you have come to the pier in front of the departure, the ferry can be completely filled. As a result, it may not have enough life jackets, and you must have to sit on the sunny side (if you not have a protection cream for sun, you can get a little bit burn).
★ The last ferry from the island in 18-00 (06-00 p.m.) also often overloaded with passengers. I’m sure many have heard that it was the cause of the flooding of one of these ferries and the death of 15 tourists from Europe and Russia, in November of 2013. Tragically it ended up swimming in the first place for those who did not get the life jackets.
★ If you wish to visit a beach, except Tawaen (and two located near the beach with him), will have to pay extra public transport or motorcycle taxi (30 to 50 Baht). As a result, the cost of travel may increase from 60 to 160 baht and the option does not seem so budget. For get more information about traveling to the island (about transport on the island and about all of beaches of the island of Koh Larn)) you must read other thematic articles (special links you can find find in the text above).
I hopefully, after reading this article, you will no longer have a question: “How to get from Pattaya to Koh Larn on the ferry?” I advise you to also read about more convenient (and in some cases more cheap) the way the ferry to the island in the article How to get to Koh Lan from Pattaya on big boat.
A very good article Can you help me for more fun in Pattaya I’m there November 17th thank you
Thank you! Everything for fun in Pattaya! 🙂